Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fields are always greener...

I find it quite easy to dream, a dream of late has been to become an entrepreneur. Make a sustainable business plan, and execute some technical idea which I could eventually monetize and make money from.

I enjoyed this blog post recently
Make Something People Need .

This is a wonderfully informative, real-world blog which frequents often on my favorite news site Hacker News.

Ultimately, not to dwell on that articles content, but my business must be something of real use to people everywhere.

For instance, lets take for example something local, which I manage to successfully market to perhaps 1000 people in the Dublin area, I'm not sure how realistic 1000 people is in this context, as it seems to large a number for a niche product in a city and yet too small for something of general market, but for purpose of illustration lets go with that example.

For me to have a business which earns approximately €100,000 a year, I would need 1000 clients spending 100 euro.

Is this realistic? Well thinking about it I guess it depends on the product, If it was
a monthly payment scheme it would be just over €8 a month which is very possible.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Momentary Lapse In Blogversation

Just a short post today:

I guess some tips/tricks I've picked up recently:


For any one who uses the greatest editor on the planet,
I found out how to do visual search and replace,
to go to visual mode
select the portion you want,
and use
as you would in normal mode.

This is extremely handy and quick.

I also falling more in love with vim macro's each day,
My favourite thing to do with them at the minute is for insertion of classes in a html document.


<\input type="text" value="user" />
<\input type="password" value="pwd" />

Record a macro using
to store in r register (there is a register per letter)
Do what needs to be done on one input, making sure it is generic actions that will work on each input.
and then press
again to stop recording.
will do the macro, the very cool thing about this is that you can equally do,

to do it on 4 inputs concurrently once the macro is generic, not only does this look cool, it saves a massive amount of time, particularly on very repetitive tasks.



I think the more I use it, the more I like it, Its basically the easy man's version of C++ with every possible function you can think of. I had a problem space during the week, (creating a reporting manager) and It was necessary to sort an associative array on the value rather than key.

I was wondering the best way to do this, all sort of crazy ideas popped into my head, e.g (copy all values into an array sort and match back with keys)

turns out php has a method called

and for me who wanted my values numerically sorted in descending order, arsort.

I love php for this. Its slow, heavy and at times feels like Java but at the end of the day, I like how easy and quick it is to get things done.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

define Happiness

Every which way we turn, we see one thing expressed in an uncountable number of ways,

the pursuit of happiness

It is often said that the chase is better than the catch, and the longevity of satisfaction is a thing often forgotten by even the greatest and most successful in this world.

A topic of great interest to me, is what makes people tick, an indescribable urge to succeed? In succeeding they hope for satisfaction, for happiness. When they earn that promotion, when they earn that million, when they buy the mansion on Beverly Hills beside the sea tucked away from everyone.


Does it last for much longer than it takes to read the word.

Joy, the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.

Emotion's are just fleeting, by definition life, life's struggles make it impossible for there to be a real lasting satisfaction, at least an earthly satisfaction.

Despite this, All around the world in this hour, this minute, this second. Millions if not Billions are working just to earn their keep, hoping eventually for happiness, that if they keep at it they will succeed.

There is no alternate, We need to do this to live, to eat. One of the rawest of human's nature is that of survival, of provision for oneself and for those who are close by.

I think its interesting to analyse the world through this tint of lens.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Diverse rave's of little value

To start this blog in true hacker fashion,
I wanted to start a blog, to write things that come to mind, No one may pay attention and I guess that's not really of any great relevance, I've felt for a while that documenting thoughts would be an interesting experiment as in years to come it would be a wonderful insight to see how my thought processes have changed in the interval.

A few current events in my life:

  • As i type I keep having to delete :wr

  • Google have just released Chrome cr-48 netbooks for testing the new OS

  • Wikileaks is being attacked, and is attacking back

  • Still working for

Also after reading this article, Tonight I designed using perl, bash and my new favourite utility database sqlite a system for tagging files, folders and in fact just about anything. Its faulty, inefficient and not even particularly useful yet, but I love the concept so much I had to build a prototype.

So much of the time, my head is buzzing for an idea, a startup, some niche (or larger) that needs to be filled, a web-service is what seems to be the only solution with a whopper back-end database.

I also must admit today that php is wonderful and equally catastrophic for the following reason:

for($i = 0; $i < 25 $i++)
$new_var["newdimension"][$i] ++;

This will run if $new_var is never declared!!! I love C but sometimes the flexibility of a language such as php is a real blessing.

Signing off after this rather poor quality and boring blog post.

More to follow.
